
Testedwhileridingunderfullpower,165.3lbs(75.0kg)load,77°F(25°C),60%ofmax.speedonaverageonpavement.,Designedtohelpescapeheavytraffic,theNinebotKickScooterbySegwayES3cantravelupto15.5milesataspeedof15.5mphwitha700Wpowermotor.Our ...,NINEBOTES3價格與詳細規格比較,共92筆。還有ninebotd18w、ninewest包、Ninebotf2、Ninebot充電器、segway-ninebotd38u。現貨推薦與歷史價格一站比價, ...,供應中九號電動滑板...

KickScooter ES3 - Product Info - Segway

Tested while riding under full power, 165.3 lbs (75.0 kg) load, 77°F (25°C), 60% of max. speed on average on pavement.

KickScooter ES3 - Product - Segway

Designed to help escape heavy traffic, the Ninebot KickScooter by Segway ES3 can travel up to 15.5 miles at a speed of 15.5 mph with a 700W power motor. Our ...

NINEBOT ES3的價格推薦- 2025年1月

NINEBOT ES3價格與詳細規格比較,共92筆。還有ninebot d18w、nine west包、Ninebot f2、Ninebot 充電器、segway-ninebot d38u。現貨推薦與歷史價格一站比價, ...

【天翼科技】ninebot九號電動滑板車運動版NINEBOT ES2 ES3 ES4 ...

供應中 九號電動滑板車運動版NINEBOT ES2 ES3 ES4外掛電池裸裝無軟塞本賣場商品為正品原廠公司貨….並非來路不明貨源沒有保障…所以產品如非人為損壞原廠保固半年…請放心選購…


【翼世界】電動滑板Ninebot九號電動滑板車ES3標準版另有ES2運動版| ES1+外掛電池.

Segway Ninebot ES3 Plus 可折疊電動滑板車,附300W 馬達,28 英里 ...

評分 4.1 (525) 真正的動力屋體驗更大的功率、範圍和速度。 Segway ES3-Plus 的Ninebot KickScooter 採用內部和外部鋰離子電池,最高時速將近18.6 英里/小時,範圍可達28 英里。 高性能電動 ...

Segway Ninebot ES3 可折叠滑板车带双电池- 折扣情报

比比君推荐:跟ES1相比,速度更快,从12.4mph提升到15.5mph,行驶距离更远达28迈。前后轮均具有避震功能,行驶体验更佳。响应的制动距离仅为13.1英尺,加上大尺寸实心轮胎,更佳 ...

Segway - Ninebot Kick Scooter ES3 Certified Refurbished

供應中 Certified - Refurbished · Appearance: Pristine, like-new condition. · Performance: Works like new, meets the manufacturer's specifications. · Warranty: Two-year ...

Segway Ninebot ES3 Used Review

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